Page 65 - Navik Jeevan_Ebook
P. 65

Opinion  of  pre-sea  and  post-sea  training  instructors/faculty,  company  representatives,
               on board crew, surveyors, administrators and examiners about measures taken by DGS for
               grievance redressal of seafarers, getting work done from Maritime Administration, and user-
               friendliness of DG Shipping website

               Regarding  the  measures  related  to  grievance  redressal  by  DG  Shipping,  almost  85%  of  the
               respondents believe that the measures taken by DGS for the grievance redressal of seafarers
               are effective.

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               On  the  easiness  of  getting  the  work  done  from  the  Maritime  Administration,  53%  of  the
               respondents reported that it used to be difficult, but new procedures are easy and 11% of them
               reported that it is straightforward. However, 18.4% of the respondents feel that getting work
               done from the maritime administration is extremely  challenging, whereas 17.7% feel it is easy,
               but newly laid down procedures are complicated.

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               More than 80% of respondents rated the DG Shipping website user-friendly.

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               Navik Jeevan Survey 2021                                                                55
   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70