Page 71 - Navik Jeevan_Ebook
P. 71

As a female sailor, 50% of women seafarers reported that they had to work more than their male
               counterparts to prove their mettle and 12.5% felt that their performance was under constant
               surveillance. However, 37.5% of them reported that everything was normal on board, without
               any discrimination.

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                                                                                   ‹o† -u; C| =ou |_; fo0

               On the question of training by their company to handle sexual advancements/harassment, all
               the women seafarers responded that they were not trained to handle any such situation.

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                                                   v-l; =uol o|_;u vo†u1;v

               As a senior female officer on board, 25% of women seafarers would like the MTIs to encourage
               faculty to motivate girl students; another 25% of them suggest conducting an interactive session
               with sailing women seafarers regularly. Apart from these, they also would like to suggest to have
               lady warden and counsellor and girl students should be allowed to use common facilities like
               gym, swimming etc.

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               Navik Jeevan Survey 2021                                                                61
   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76