Page 46 - Navik Jeevan_Ebook
P. 46
Approximately 65% of the officers on board say that regular training as per schedule is conducted
despite a hectic sailing schedule, whereas only 9% of respondents say that there is no formal on
board training structure except safety drills and meetings. Approximately 65% of the officers on
board say that regular training as per schedule is conducted despite a hectic sailing schedule,
whereas only 9% of respondents say that there is no formal on board training structure except
safety drills and meetings.
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Almost 78% of the on board crew agree that safety drills are conducted properly once a week or
as per schedule, whereas 9% of the respondents are critical to safety drills and say that they are
conducted only for formality or only a few drills are conducted. In some cases, no safety drills
are conducted on board.
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An Initiative of the Research and Training Committee- Supported by the
36 Indian National Shipowners’ Association Maritime Training Trust