Page 89 - Navik Jeevan_Ebook
P. 89

Competency            •  About 60% of respondents agree that the competency exams are
                                          aligned with the on board operational requirements for the rank.

                                       •  40% of respondents feel that junior staff lacks practical skills and
                                          more than 60% of respondents suggest that more emphasis should
                                          be given to simulators based training.

                                       •  It is suggested that the preparatory courses for the competency
                                          exams should continue.



                                       •  30% of the seafarers are not happy with the present duration of
                                          the contract. 65% of respondents suggest that the contract period
                                          should not be more than 5 months.

                                       •  Roughly  three-fourths  of  the  Indian  seafarers  find  no  difficulty
                    Culture               working in teams with a multinational crew.

                   including           •  A  fairly  large  percentage  of  seafarers  i.e.  67.8%  agree  that  no
               Discrimination             discrimination  takes  place  in  their  organization.  Although  the

                & Harassment              discrimination is less than 5% but amongst ratings.
                                       •  The majority of the respondents chose to say that they either never
                                          witnessed sexual harassment or that it never took place in their

                                       •  About the treatment of female seafarers on board ships, nearly 80%
                                          of the company representatives accept that the female seafarers
                                          are  at  par  with  male  seafarers  and  no  respondent  feel  that  the
                                          female seafarers are not compatible with the rest of the crew.

                Enhancement            •  More than 60% of respondents feel that the value added training

                    Training              greatly help them to improve their performance on board. Around
                                          one-third of the junior officers and ratings say that their company
                                          does not provide financial support for value added training.

                                       •  Nearly  58%  of  respondents  feel  that  the  post-sea  training  is
                                          adequate for handling the job responsibilities, however, a sizeable
                                          amount of respondents still feel that on-the-job training is more
                                          effective if time permits.

               Navik Jeevan Survey 2021                                                                79
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94