Page 88 - Navik Jeevan_Ebook
P. 88
Indian Seafarers’ Perspective
• Nearly 44% of the seafarers opine that they should be allowed to
work on board as long as they are medically fit.
• Approximately 60% of respondents would not prefer their sons and
Career 80% of respondents would not prefer their daughters joining the
merchant navy as a career.
• Only 10.7% of respondents feel that shipping is a much sought
after career among young students.
• Almost 40% of junior officers and ratings are not satisfied with the
system of the appraisal report in their companies.
• Close to half the representatives from shipping companies would
like to give women seafarer some work in the company office after
the child birth for few years before they return to sailing so that
they can take proper and required care of their child.
Perception • More than half the respondents feel that junior staff is aware but
lack understanding of their rights and responsibilities.
• Around 83% of the junior staff feel that their seniors are helpful
and caring.
• More than 80% of respondents believe that Indian seafarers are
competent enough to handle the jobs on ships as compared to their
other counterparts from different nationalities.
• Half the on board staff say that their companies do not have a
Opinion about psychologist/counsellor.
their company • More than three-fourths of the crew on board would like to have
more shore leave. Most of the company representatives state that
they endeavour to provide shore leave wherever possible.
• Around 37% of respondents express that company policies and
procedures are bypassed at times which is a major cause of concern.
• More than 40% of the company representatives and crew on board
accept that there is no proper grievance redressal mechanism
available in their companies. In some cases, there is no such system
exists at all.
An Initiative of the Research and Training Committee- Supported by the
78 Indian National Shipowners’ Association Maritime Training Trust