Page 57 - Navik Jeevan_Ebook
P. 57
10% of the pre-sea and post-sea training instructors/faculty and company representatives
believe that the safety culture is being followed better ashore. On the contrary, more or less 39%
of them believe that it is being followed more rigidly on ships. Nearly 47% of the respondents
presume that safety culture in training institutes is at par with what is being followed on ships.
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Opinion of company representatives and on board crew about compliances with rules &
regulations for Safety & Environmental Protection, and safe working culture on board
77% of the respondents report that their organisation complies with all the rules & regulations
for Safety & Environmental Protection, whereas roughly 9% of them informed that their
organisation follows only a few important rules & regulations to satisfy Port State Control.
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Navik Jeevan Survey 2021 47