Page 23 - Navik Jeevan_Ebook
P. 23
This chapter is concerned with detailing and developing the research methodology adopted
for data collection, treatment, comparison and verification of the viewpoints of stakeholders
to measure the present condition of the workforce and the culture developed in the shipping
industry. To verify the extent to which the expectations of stakeholders are fulfilled, a detailed
questionnaire was designed. The latter part of the chapter discusses the philosophy of framing
the questionnaires and the tools & techniques used to receive responses and analyse the
The majority of Indian seafarers join the foreign fleet ships and it was felt necessary to understand
the expectations of Indian seafarers from the maritime industry and vice versa.
This project is a brainchild of INSA which is developed in the spirit of shared dedication and
commitment to safe, efficient and sustainable operations in the maritime industry. It is felt that
these can be optimally achieved through best practices in training and that such training can
only be achieved if it is based on accurate data. Furthermore, INSA recognised that training
could be continuously improved given the necessary performance indicators.
The philosophy behind the Design of Questionnaire
The questionnaire has been designed to reflect all possible needs and expectations of all the
stake holders. The research team has attempted to capture every activity of ship operation,
which is user-centric and the maritime education system, which is learner-centric. A large
number of questions have been formulated in the questionnaire for the professionals working
on a ship and for pre-sea students. This element of the system has emotional bearings with
many other elements like the style of working, human values, human relations, stress undergone,
the infrastructure facilities, teacher, teaching style, the assessment process, the placement
opportunities, etc.
Preparation of Questionnaire
The questionnaire was prepared based on the inputs taken from the following stakeholders:
• Designated Person Ashore
• Technical Superintendents
• Fleet personnel departments
• Shipping Company Representatives
• Senior Officers from DG Shipping
• Classification Society Surveyors
• Marine Pilots
• Institute Owners/Directors/Faculty Members
• Seafarers
• Students
During the process of questionnaire preparation, several interviews were held and communication
established with many professionals to obtain clarity regarding their opinions about the life of
seafarers. The data obtained was analysed and the questions were reframed to encompass the
expectations and requirements of the stakeholders. The questionnaire was developed to assess
the satisfaction level of the crew on board and the pre-sea students. It was also envisaged that
the questions would help in identifying the gaps that exist between the expectations and the
actual reality.
Navik Jeevan Survey 2021 13