Page 6 - Navik Jeevan_Ebook
P. 6

List of Abbreviations

                Abbreviation                                       Meaning

                DGS                   Directorate General of Shipping

                DMET                  Directorate of Marine Engineering Training

                FOSMA                 Foreign Ship-owners Representatives and Ship Managers Association

                GEIMS                 Great Eastern Institute of Maritime Studies

                IMMTS                 The Indian Mercantile Marine Training Ship

                IMO                   International Maritime Organization

                IMU                   Indian Maritime University

                INSA                  Indian National Shipowners’ Association

                MASSA                 Maritime Association of Shipowners, Shipmanagers and Agents

                MET                   Maritime Education & Training

                MTI                   Maritime Training Institute

                MTT                   Maritime Training Trust

                RIMS                  Royal Indian Marine Ship

                RPSL                  Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers’ Licence

                STCW                  Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers

                TMI                   Tolani Maritime Institute

                TS                    Training Ship

                UNCTAD                United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

                WMU                   World Maritime University

                              An Initiative of the Research and Training Committee-   Supported by the
               IV             Indian National Shipowners’ Association             Maritime Training Trust
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